Acupuncture with Jeff Olson, Kate Sydney, Melanie Budlong & Michelle Waneka
Curious about acupuncture?
Our acupuncturists successfully treat patients with a wide range of conditions that include acute and chronic musculo-skeletal pain, hormone balance, allergies, gastro-intestinal conditions, depression, anxiety, immune system deficiencies and auto-immune disorders. Acupuncture commonly induces deep relaxation and helps restore normal circulation to damaged tissue, alleviating pain and inflammation. There is nothing quite like a an "acu-nap." Acupuncture is rooted in East Asian Medicine which takes into consideration all elements that affect your health and well-being, including diet, lifestyle, fitness, mental state and physical illness.
Acupuncture visits at Ripple will often include other East Asian medicine treatments including cupping, gua sha and gentle acupressure techniques to help rehabilitate soft tissue damage and reduce inflammation. Our acupuncturists may recommend utilizing Chinese herbs to support and expedite healing. Herbal medicine is a gentle, effective and affordable means of addressing symptoms related to allergies, gastro-intestinal conditions, mood disorders, auto-immune conditions, PMS and menopause.
Our acupuncturists successfully treat patients with a wide range of conditions that include acute and chronic musculo-skeletal pain, hormone balance, allergies, gastro-intestinal conditions, depression, anxiety, immune system deficiencies and auto-immune disorders. Acupuncture commonly induces deep relaxation and helps restore normal circulation to damaged tissue, alleviating pain and inflammation. There is nothing quite like a an "acu-nap." Acupuncture is rooted in East Asian Medicine which takes into consideration all elements that affect your health and well-being, including diet, lifestyle, fitness, mental state and physical illness.
Acupuncture visits at Ripple will often include other East Asian medicine treatments including cupping, gua sha and gentle acupressure techniques to help rehabilitate soft tissue damage and reduce inflammation. Our acupuncturists may recommend utilizing Chinese herbs to support and expedite healing. Herbal medicine is a gentle, effective and affordable means of addressing symptoms related to allergies, gastro-intestinal conditions, mood disorders, auto-immune conditions, PMS and menopause.
Acupuncture Pricing
75-Minute Initial Intake $135
60-Minute Follow-Up Session $90
We bill insurance! Call our receptionist for details.
60-Minute Follow-Up Session $90
We bill insurance! Call our receptionist for details.